NACDS is seeking member comments on Board of Pharmacy approved regulations changing pharmacist consultation requirements that now require either the consultation occur within 10 minutes or a return business call within one business hour. The regulations are currently under final review at the Office of Administrative Law.
Also in California... The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) that oversees Medi-Cal announced that Director Brad Gilbert is retiring in June.
Also in California... The Board of Pharmacy adopted an Emergency rule under 16 CCR 1747 to establish standards for initiating and providing to patients’ HIV preexposure and postexposure prophylaxis and related recordkeeping requirements. The rule was effective April 30th and expires October 27, 2020.
Also in California... In advance of the June 2nd Assembly Appropriations Committee hearing, NACDS and the California Retailers Association weighed in on two issues important to chain pharmacies. We submitted a joint letter supporting legislation which will extend for five years the sunset on existing law that allows pharmacists to furnish sterile syringes without a prescription (AB 2077-Ting). We also submitted a joint letter opposing a bill which would prohibit pharmacies from automatically contacting prescribers to authorize a prescription for any dangerous drug or device for more than a 7-day supply refill without authorization from the prescriber or patient. The bill also requires a pharmacy to obtain separate authorization for each prescription and would prohibit a pharmacy from requesting more than the number of refills authorized in the original prescription. (AB 2983-Holden).
Also in California... The Board of Pharmacy posted important information for pharmacies that were vandalized, looted or set on fire during recent violence in California.
Also in California... The Board of Pharmacy is scheduled to meet on June 18, 2020 via teleconference. The agenda and instructions on how to join the meeting will be posted on the meetings page at the Board’s website.
Also in California... Expecting a delay in processing payments for license renewals submitted by mail during the last week of June and first two weeks of July, the Board of Pharmacy recommends that if your license expires June 30 or July 1, 2020, you need to mail payment by June 11, 2020 to ensure the online verification system accurately reflects your renewal status process during the delay period. Alternatively, pharmacists, advance practice pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and designated representatives can renew your license online, and the processing of online renewal payments will not be delayed.
For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.